Through secret contacts in Hollywood (Olivia Wilde has a crush on me and sends me all kinds of stuff), I have managed to procure next week's House script. Spoiler Alert!
Scene: House's office. House, Foreman, Chase, Wilson, Cuddy, Lucas, Sick Person, Sick Person's Mother, Sick Peron's Father, Sick Person's Lover, 13, Woman For 13 to Make-Out With, and Taub present.
Forman: It's lupus!
House: It's never Lupus.The patient is lying. Check his...
Cameron enters
Cameron: I'm back.
House begins to mock her
Cameron leaves office then returns.
Cameron: I'm leaving the team.
House resumes mocking her
Cameron: I want back in. I quit.
Cameron leaves
Everyone looks at each other, waiting...
Cameron comes back
Cameron: I'm back.
Everyone stares at her, waiting...
Cameron turns and leaves
House: Anyway, give him these two simple pills and that will...
Cameron returns
Cameron: I-
Random fan bursts into office, snatches House's cane and beats her to death with it screaming
Random Fan (screaming): Diagnose this, bitch! Make up your damn mind already!
Random fan runs off in search of writer' offices
Roll Credits
I don't know about all of you out there in TV land, but I smell Emmy gold!